NSW Tobacco Control Campaign portrays tube-feeding as “the end of the world”.

Like countless people around the world, Melissa Ward’s son eats – and thrives – by tube-feeding. Here, Melissa shares how it feels to see this way of eating used in a “threat-based campaign” to encourage people to quit smoking.

Knee Coal I Edgy Premium Web Designer

Owner & Website Designer of Knee Coal, formerly Killer Aesthetic. Polished yet authentic web designs for edgy boutique brands that want to build long-lasting emotional connections with their ideal customers. We have been uplifting over 265+ premium brands since 2010. We attribute our continued success to our belief that good design is achieved by a highly considered plan, a deep understanding of design principles and behavioural psychology.


Juliette gets most of her nutrition through a feeding tube.


European Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ESPEN) 2023 Invited Conference Speaker.